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Who is Manuel Garcia-Rulfo Wife? Age, Net Worth and More information

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Who is Manuel Garcia-Rulfo Wife? Age, Net Worth and More information
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo Wife, Age, Net Worth, Career, and Other Information: Manuel Garcia-Rulfo is a prominent figure in the Netflix series "The Lincoln Lawyer" who has kept his personal life private. Many people want to know more about Manuel's life, particularly his wife.

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo is a Mexican actor best known for his roles in the films "Cake" and "Bless Me, Ultima," as well as the television series From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series.

He played one of the main characters in the 2016 remake of "The Magnificent Seven," according to Early in 2021, Garcia-Rulfo replaced Logan Marshall-Green in the Netflix rendition of "The Lincoln Lawyer" as Mickey Haller.

Manuel Garcia - Rulfo: Early Life?

Garcia-Rulfo was born and raised on a ranch in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. He honed his horseback riding skills here. He later moved to Vermont to further his English language studies. He enrolled at the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac to study communications but soon discovered his passion for filmmaking. Garcia-Rulfo finished his time at the New York Film Academy and then went back to Mexico to pursue performing.

Know More About Us Manuel Garcia Rulfo

Who is Manuel Garcia-Rulfo Wife? Age, Net Worth and More information

Who is (Manuel Garcia): Rulfo Wife?

Manuel Garcia Rulfo is currently single and has no romantic partner. This article contains detailed information about Manuel Garcia Rulfo, including his age, parents, net worth, and other personal details.


1. What is Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's current net worth?
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's net worth is currently $8 million.

2. Where did Manuel Garcia-Rulfo grow up?
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo was born in Guadalajara, Mexico.

3. What is the true ethnicity of Manuel Garcia-Rulfo?
He adheres to Christianity.

4. What is Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's educational background?
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo received his diploma.

5. Does Manuel Garcia-Rulfo have a wife?
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo is single.

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